Trauma Fauna
@ Shame Gallery, Brussels
I am very happy to join Shame Brussels‘ ‚Trauma Fauna‘ show tonight, exploring the myth of the suffering artist, post-traumatic growth, catharsis, escapes and emotional transitions around the ongoing story of human hardship, complete with humour, irony and fantasy. I’ll show a new G-Painting ‚And the ground became home – Ojive‘ The first of a new series that combines multiple layers of G disintegration and reflects the personal stories of the people I worked with, @ojive.h.delungela who is an artist in New York.
Trauma Fauna
30 Rue de la Paille, 1000 Bruxelles
The opening is on April 23rd at 19h
With: Antoine Goossens @goossensantoineabc / Carlota Juan / Elio Ticca @elio_ticca / Manu Engelen @engelenmanu/ Mathew Bohan @mattbohanart / Mathias Vef @mathiasvef / Mathieu V. Staelens @mathieuvstaelens_artist / Nathan French @Mr.NathanFrench / Nina Vandenbempt @nina_vandenbempt / Pol Bourdellon @polbourdellon, Performances by Nina Vandenbempt & PRIGARI